Reserved words in Java are actually words which are reserved by the programming language. It might be, that the meaning of these keywords is not defined by the compiler but they are reserved. So you cannot use these also for your variable names in Java.
A list of Java Keywords and Reserved Words is given below. This list is correct as per the Tiger version of Java, that is Java 2.
List of Keywords and Reserved Words in Java:-
1. abstract
2. class
3. extends
4. implements
5. null
6. strictfp
7. true
8. assert
9. const
10. false
11. import
12. package
13. super
14. try
15. boolean
16. continue
17. final
18. instanceof
19. private
20. switch
21. void
22. break
23. default
24. finally
25. int
26. protected
27. synchronized
28. volatile
29. byte
30. do
31. float
32. interface
33. public
34. this
35. while
36. case
37. double
38. for
39. long
40. return
50. throw
51. catch
52. else
53. goto
54. native
55. short
56. throws
57. char
58. enum
59. if
60. new
61. static
62. transient